This is extraordinary, in which the scanner tag contains the QR code. This structure makes it simple to use in light of the way that Endc...
all about of Aidus Project
AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform is a decentralized fund market established upon the ETHEREUM network to serve as a professional asset manageme...

Arround World’s First Decentralized Advertising Solution in Augmented Reality
ARROUND as the best-decentralized medium for advertising to get solutions in AR is aiming to change the world around. They wish to make u... Proyek untuk masa depan internet yang lebih baik
Hai sobat apa kabar kalian semua yang selalu setia membaca artikel – artikel saya diblog ini. Tidak perlu berlama – lama saat ini akan mer...

AcuteCoin :The Social Crypto Platform that Rewards its Members Trade, Mine and be Social
Hello everyone, If you're interested in joining the Acutecoin project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get inf...
Senin, 28 Mei 2018
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ZETO - Memelopori Keamanan Makanan Global yang Scalable
Zeto adalah perusahaan peranti lunak yang mengantarkan solusi keamanan makanan ke industri ritel global. Pelanggan kami mencakup beberapa ...
Minggu, 27 Mei 2018
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Siglо will bring thе Next Billiоn into thе Digitаl Ecosyste
Thе genesis оf thе Siglо рrоtосоl began with mе in the bасkѕеаt of a 1960’s cab. I was оut оf саѕh. A few уеаrѕ аgо, I was in Cubа со...
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